Rollout: a continuous growth


With the aim of supporting the business expansion of the client, a large company operating in the Energy, Utilities & Telco sector, it was required a unified approach to the management of SAP system development and integration projects pertaining to the new companies.



The implementation of new companies on the customer’s SAP systems follows a country-specific global template, previously analyzed and defined by the Qintesi team on the basis of specific local regulations.

A well-defined and proven model that provides security for the customer in the new implementation phase. This allows the initial analysis phase to be optimized so that only the gaps of the specific project can be investigated, reducing the commitment of the customer’s resources and optimizing the activities of the Qintesi team.

An important part of the project was the data migration phase, in which accounting balances and open items are carried over into the SAP system on the go-live date.

In order to optimize the activities and ensure efficient data loading, we asked the customer to enhance already structured templates, which we then loaded into SAP using the standard LSMW tool, with packages, again, pre-defined.

In parallel with the data capture, we also proceed with the integration of external systems for processes and analytics not managed in SAP.



"The project was particularly challenging, both because of the number of companies involved over two countries (19) and the short timeframe. A very collaborative Qintesi team made it possible to achieve the results expected by the customer”
Federica Pagani
Project Leader - Qintesi

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