Scame Parre – 60 years of history already in the future… Thanks to SAP S/4HANA


SCAME PARRE S.p.A., head of the SCAME Group, is a manufacturer of components and systems for low-voltage electrical systems in the civil, tertiary and industrial sectors, and a pioneer in the field of solutions dedicated to electric vehicle charging. Confirming its strong focus on innovation, the SCAME group was one of the first manufacturing companies in Italy to adopt SAP ERP solutions to support its business processes.

The system implemented now 24 years ago and then upgraded to the most recent releases has accompanied the dimensional growth that has led SCAME to become an international group with more than 650 employees in the three plants in the province of Bergamo and with a presence abroad with 18 sales agencies and subsidiaries, 3 of them with production sites, distributing products in more than 80 countries on 5 continents.

In order to face a further path of innovation of its processes with the aim of becoming an “intelligent enterprise” SCAME considered it essential to equip itself with the latest technologies made available by SAP in the ERP area, i.e. migrating to S/4HANA without, however, generating disruptions and impacts on production processes.     

The adoption of S/4HANA as a “digital core” will allow SCAME to have a more extensive range of innovative solutions that will be evaluated and partly adopted in the coming years in order to better support the governance needs of new business models and economic/financial and sustainability performance measurement.



The Qintesi team and SCAME, after a “readiness check” phase, identified the “Brownfield” approach that would minimize design risks and possible disruptions to production processes.


Therefore, 3 parallel design streams were initiated:

  • conversion from ECC to S/4HANA of the ERP system with the simultaneous adoption of the innovation given by the immediately and compulsorily available functionalities;
  • verification of “custom code” (approximately 400 custom transactions) in order to highlight “back-to-standard” opportunities or implement custom code remediation activities;
  • exploration of the new functionalities introduced by S/4HANA, particularly in the Management Control area, identification of those considered a priority with respect to SCAME’s needs and definition of an adoption roadmap in a subsequent project phase;  


From a “technological” point of view, in addition to the modernization of the infrastructure and the adoption of the HANA database, the Business Technology Platform has been integrated with SAP S/4HANA and a series of FIORI applications have been activated with a completely revamped UX usable on all types of “devices.” 


The Qintesi working group and SCAME’s IT competence center worked in partnership enhancing their respective specialized expertise on S/4HANA and deep knowledge of SCAME’s business processes in order to minimize the impact on users and business processes.




Statement from the Account or Project manager who worked on the project: (must be a sentence that makes it clear what value the project brought to the customer, what benefit was created...) The latest release of SAP S/4HANA, with its data model review, innovative user experience, and immediate scalability, allows it to intercept every new need by turning it into a business opportunity. These features are key to remaining competitive and allow you to approach the future as an industry leader.
Antonio Berton
Manager, Qintesi

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