News & Events

Qintesi on “Il Sole 24 Ore”

On September 14th and 18th Qintesi appeared in a two-part service of the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore....

Qintesi at SAP NOW 2019

Qintesi will take part in the SAP NOW 2019 – Experience the Intelligent Enterprise, that will...

Qintesi sponsors the 2019 OAD Questionnaire (Digital Attack Observatory in Italy)

Qintesi sponsors for 2019 the research “Digital Attack Observatory in Italy“, an initiative promoted by AIPSI (Italian...

Qintesi obtains the REX in Real Estate Management

Qintesi has recently obtained the ninth SAP REX (Recognized Expertise) in Real Estate Management, thanks to the expertise of...

Qintesi at the International SAP Conference for Treasury Management

Qintesi participated in the twelfth edition of the International SAP Conference for Treasury Management, which was...

Qintesi obtains the “Rating di Legalità”

Qintesi obtained the “Rating di Legalità” (Legality Rating), issued by “Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e...

Qintesi enhances its offer with the new Treasury & Fintech Unit

Qintesi has recently introduced an important innovation about its offers in terms of expertise: the new...

Qintesi joins to the Demo Program 21

In the week from 6 to 10 May, Qintesi participated in the 2019 edition of the...

9ᵃ SPS Italy – Automation and Digital for Industry

Qintesi participated in the ninth edition of SPS Italia, the fair dedicated to the intelligent, digital and flexible industry, which...

Qintesi at the Intelligent Enterprise Partner Summit

On May 21 and 22, Qintesi attended the SAP event “Intelligent Enterprise Partner Summit“, organised...

Qintesi passed the first stage of the SAP Cloud Platform Challenge 2019

Qintesi joined the SAP Cloud Platform Challenge 2019, a competition dedicated to innovative technologies organised...

Qintesi at the Career Day of the University of Pavia

On Wednesday, May 22, Qintesi will take part in “Open Doors to Companies”, the Career day...

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