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Qintesi in the volume “Bergamo terra di imprese” (“Bergamo, Land of Business”)

Qintesi joined an initiative promoted by Confindustria in collaboration with the newspaper “L’Eco di Bergamo” which led to the creation of a volume entitled “Bergamo terra di imprese“, which describes the stories of some companies belonging to the Innovative and Technological Services group, and which are examples of excellence in the Bergamo area.

Qintesi then appeared within the volume, describing its experiences with its customers, its expertise and the growth process undertaken in recent years.

The dossier also contains an interview with the president Angelo Amaglio, as well as several in-depth studies on crucial issues for the company, such as the attention to human resources and their training, the efforts to encourage a healthy lifestyle among employees, and not least, the importance given to corporate partnerships: not only the one with SAP, which gives significant awards like REXs, but also those under construction with Google.

With this initiative, Qintesi intends to highlight that its efforts are always aimed at the growth and opening of new markets, but at the same time it wants to keep the bond with the Bergamo area from which the founders’ professional career started, and in which remains the legal and administrative headquarters of the company.

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