News & Events

Qintesi gets the WHP 2019 award from ATS Bergamo

On November 26, the awarding of the companies participating in the WHP (Workplace Health Promotion) program was...

Qintesi Meeting 2019

Il 29 e 30 Novembre si è svolto a Bardolino, nella splendida cornice del lago...

Qintesi in the volume “Bergamo terra di imprese” (“Bergamo, Land of Business”)

Qintesi joined an initiative promoted by Confindustria in collaboration with the newspaper “L’Eco di Bergamo” which led...

Qintesi participated in the tenth edition of the Liferay Symposium

The tenth edition of the “Liferay Symposium” event was held in Milan at Talent Garden...

An innovative project made for the Zambon Group was presented by Qintesi at SAP NOW 2019

Durante il SAP NOW 2019, svoltosi a FieraMIlanoCity lo scorso 16 ottobre, Qintesi è intervenuta presentando...

Qintesi @ PMI Day 2019 – Politecnico of Milan

Qintesi parteciperà al PMI Day del Politecnico di Milano che si svolgerà Mercoledì 13 Novembre dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 16:00 presso l’edificio BL27 del...

Qintesi on MF Milano Finanza

On October 31, Qintesi appeared in the “Regions 4.0” Dossier on MF Milano Finanza: this event...

SAP NOW 2019: the experience of Qintesi

On October 16, Qintesi participated as a TOP sponsor at SAP NOW 2019. During the day...

Qintesi will attend Smau Milan 2019

Qintesi will be present at the Smau Milan event, that will be held from 22 to 24...

Qintesi @ Career Day Bicocca 2019

Qintesi will attend the Career Day of the University of Milan – Bicocca, which will take place...

Inauguration of the new Qintesi headquarters in Marcon

The inauguration of the new Venetian headquarters was held in Marcon on September 19, 2019.For the new headquarters, already...

Qintesi gets the tenth SAP REX: User Experience

Qintesi recently reached the number of 10 active REX Certifications, which prove the expertise of its...

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