Group Treasury Management with SAP FSCM


To introduce processes and specific application functionalities aimed at:

  • automating the Cash Pooling process at Group level;
  • optimizing the management of bank flows;
  • reducing the large number of Home Banking applications on foreign companies;
  • improving the monitoring of Group payments/collections.



In order to satisfy the Customer’s requirement, Qintesi proposed and realized the implementation of two SAP modules within the Finance – Financial Supply Chain Management area:

  • SAP BCM – Bank Communication Management;
  • SAP IHC – In House Cash.


With reference to the SAP BCM module, Qintesi has implemented specific functions aimed at managing:

  • optimal grouping of payments, both for the bank and for the business;
  • the signatures of both the managers of the various offices requesting payment and the Corporate prosecutors;
  • the automatic transmission of electronic flows from SAP to the Bank through a Web Service developed in collaboration with the banking counterpart in order to guarantee high levels of security.


With reference to the SAP IHC module, Qintesi has implemented features to support the processes of:

  • management of bank statements and automatic accounting of Cash Pooling movements;
  • automatic creation of IHC orders related to Cash Pooling movements;
  • management of payment orders relating to VAT/IRES group payments;
  • daily finalization of cash pooling movements through the automatic transmission of Intercompany account statements to the various entities involved in the centralization perimeter;
  • finalization of interest income/expense accrued on the credit/debit positions of the various entities involved in the centralization perimeter.


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