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From the Sustainability Report to the Integrated Report in the insurance sector


An important Client of the Insurance Sector asked Qintesi for support for the creation of their first Integrated Report, with the aim of representing financial and non-financial information in a single document in a transparent and effective manner, adding value to stakeholders and to the community in general.



The solution adopted was to integrate the functions and information systems already developed for the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Sustainability Report, including SAP Disclosure Management (SAP DM), SAP Group Reporting and Analysis for Office, designing a single process with centralized governance.

From the point of view of accounting data, the process involved the construction of specific rules, one for each item of the tables to be produced, based on accounts and accounting attributes read automatically by the ERP and Group Reporting for consolidated data.

For the No Financial Data, specific contribution forms have been created, through the combined functions of Analysis for Office and SAP DM, in order to allow all the owners of the various offices involved to enter the data directly into the system, through a verifiable and automated process but with the standard Office functionality.

Similarly, a collaborative process was set up to incorporate the narratives of the various sections of the Integrated Report, in order to allow all users to add their own contribution, while ensuring governance for those responsible for the overall document.

Finally, the graphic aspect of the document was handled with particular attention, taking care of its layout, fonts and infographics.



Contributing to one of the first Integrated Reports in the insurance sector has been remarkably stimulating. With the help of SAP Disclosure Management, we were able to design an agile and at the same time well-structured process, ensuring cooperation between the various offices, the traceability of the activities carried out and group governance. The result, expressed in the Integrated Report, is a document that transparently and rigorously represents the value of the company.
Luigi Granitto
Client Account Senior Manager - Qintesi

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    SAP Disclosure Management

    SAP Group Reporting

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