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Mobility data analysis thanks to SAP RE-FX and SAP SAC


The Client needed to manage his real estate business through a system that guaranteed the management of the technical business processes and at the same time guarantee the resulting accounting effects from the point of view of Auditability / Reconciliation of the data.

Furthermore, with an eye towards Digital Transformation, it also needed to access data, carry out business assessments and use them in mobility to support their building managers.



With an eye towards optimizing / integrating the current architecture, the implementation of SAP RE-FX and integration with Archibus was envisaged: Archibus for the coverage in support of the more purely technical processes and SAP RE-FX to manage the most typical of the Real Estate world, through the functionality of the tool itself and native integrity with the other “core” SAP modules (Accounting, Controlling, Purchasing, Sales).

To meet the requirement of fast and mobile data analysis, reports have been implemented through management dashboards for data evaluation with also the possibility of “what if” analysis for the benefit of the Board through SAP SAC – SAP Analytics Cloud technology.



The Client has fully achieved the goal of having a system that made it possible to manage in an integrated and auditable way the real estate process in its entirety, both in support of the technicians and from an AFC point of view. It also allowed the figures of building managers to obtain “live” and in “mobility” information on the real estate assets they manage.
Antonio Donnaloia
Client Account Executive - Qintesi

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    SAP RE-Fx

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