Qintesi joined the SAP Cloud Platform Challenge 2019, a competition dedicated to innovative technologies organised by SAP, which tests different teams of companies in the sector on topics such as Machine Learning, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Chatbot. The three winning teams will have the opportunity to present their project at the SAP NOW 2019 Showcase.
In order to build their own experience on SAP Cloud Platform, the partners confront each other on solutions around any combination of these topics:
- Machine Learning & AI
- Blockchain & Chatbot
- Internet of Things
- Apple iOS SDK
The Qintesi SCP Challenge team on 17 and 18 April worked together with the SAP Cloud Platform and Apple expert team on its project at the SAP headquarters in Vimercate.
The project was then viewed by a panel of experts, who considered Qintesi’s project idea valid, who thus passed the first stage of this Challenge, positioning itself among the six finalists.
As of today, the Qintesi SCP Challenge team is working on the realization of the physical scenario of the proposed project.
Next step: Friday, June 14th, the Qintesi SCP Challenge team will present the final project at SAP’s “Showcase Office” to win a place among the three winners and to have the chance to be among the protagonists of SAP NOW 2019.