Torna indietro

Qintesi develops a model for detecting the environmental impact of enterprises.

Qintesi is available to support companies in measuring their corporate Carbon Footprint. The Carbon Footprint is an environmental indicator that quantifies the impact of an organization in terms of greenhouse gases emitted directly or indirectly by it.
Although Qintesi is a service company that by definition has a negligible impact in absolute value in terms of emissions, Qintesi decided to calculate the corporate Carbon Footprint on itself, in a gradual path that led the concept of sustainability to emerge as a competitive asset.
The survey initially devised and then analyzed in the results made it possible to identify areas on which to act to reduce and/or offset CO2 emissions, thus participating actively in the change required for the environment.
We aim to help service companies in identifying areas of impact by repurposing the model developed in Qintesi, down to the calculation of tons of CO2 emitted.

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