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GDPR Data Protection Management: the Qintesi Solutions

Qintesi, SAP Gold Partner, one of the few Italian companies to have achieved the Recognized Expertise on solutions in the Governance Risk & Compliance area, has specific expertise in the Security, Risk & Compliance and GDPR themes, in which it has already been involved in different implementation scenarios. It operates with multidisciplinary teams which are able to interact with the various key players in the legal, marketing, organization, operation and IT areas, setting up a comprehensive assessment able to manage a complete offering on methodological and application aspects. This allows Qintesi to ensure the proper operation of the system, with respect to functionalities defined in the design phase, guaranteeing a correct deployment of the data protection strategy that customers intend to pursue. Qintesi provides a winning project roadmap in support of a very demanding regulation, thanks to a deep experience in the implementation of SAP systems in support of control and risk assessment methodologies, and much more.

Find out more details in the Press Release published by Datamanager.

Here are some newspapers that have reported our statement:

ICT Observer
Impresa Moderna

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