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Qintesi sponsors the 2021 OAD Extended Questionnaire (Digital Attack Observatory in Italy)

Qintesi sponsors for the year 2021 the now traditional survey on digital attacks in Italy to companies and public bodies, an initiative promoted by AIPSI (Italian Association of IT Security Professionals).

The research is aimed at analyzing the intentional digital attacks suffered and detected throughout the year 2020 and in the first half of 2021.

The two 2021 Questionnaires, one complete and the other reduced, are online and can be filled in completely anonymously:

  • to access the COMPLETE one, which takes about 40-45 minutes to complete, and which provides, in addition to the qualitative assessment of the digital security level of the information system being answered, also the list of the main deficiencies / deficiencies in the security measures, technical and organizationalclick here
  • to access the REDUCED one, derived by eliminating more than 50% of questions and answers from the “complete” one; it takes about 15-20 minutes to complete, and upon completion it provides only the qualitative assessment of the digital security level of the information system being answered, click here

Qintesi, Gold sponsor of AIPSI and OAD, promotes the compilation of the questionnaire, in order to contribute in this way to the creation of the only web survey on digital attacks in Italy.

For more information on the initiative, click here.

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