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Entry of Qintesi into the capital of ITHUDE

Qintesi continues its growth path through external lines and announces the entry into the capital of ITHUDE S.r.L., a company located in Rome with recognized skills in the Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management areas.

ITHUDE offers its customers strategies and solutions aimed at extracting value from corporate data. From design to data collection and storytelling, each service is customized around the specific needs of the management of each company, adopting an “agile” approach to design and development.

Through this transaction, QIntesi aims at strengthening its positioning as a reference player in the market of Data Analytics and Corporate Performance Management solutions at the service of companies in the Large Enterprise segment and of P.A.

ITHUDE finds in Qintesi a partner with which to develop important commercial and design synergies and a context in which to enhance its core competencies.

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